Connect Groups
Here are our current groups:
Book of Hebrews
Sunday mornings at 9:30am at CLC in the choir room. Led by Jerry Chiarizio.
Brotherhood is for men and meets at various times throughout the year. Please call the church for more information.
For adults ages 50 and older. Meets on the first Friday night of the month at CLC at 6:30pm.Led by Greg and Deb McKim. Contact the church to find out more information.
Pack & Pray
For parents with children still living at home(from baby through senior in high school).Meets monthly after church on a Sunday. Facilitated by Lindsay Learn. Contact the church for more information.
Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense
For adults on Wednesday nights at CLC starting on 2/5/25 from 6:45-8pm. Led by Lindsey Parks and Melissa Talerico. This class is full and not open to new participants.
AfterSHOCK: Extreme Teens
Saturday night connect group for teenagers ages 7th-12th grade. Meets monthly at Dave and Anita Helmstadter's home. Contact the church office for more information.
YA4C Young Adults for Christ
All young adults(18+ through 29.5 years old). Meets monthly. Led by Dave and Anita Helmstadter. Contact church for more information.
Men's Breakfast
Meets on the first Saturday morning of each month at CLC at 9 am. Led by Jerry Chiarizio. Contact church for more information.
Redeemed Sisterhood
For women! We have an event quarterly. Led by Gretchen Laux and Lindsey Parks. Call church for more information.
New Testament Survery
Starting on 2/5/25 and led by Pastor Jared from 6:45-8pm.This class will meet in Pastor Jared's office.
Issues Men Face
Meets on Wednesday nights starting on 2/5-3/19 from 6:45-8pm at CLC.